Monday, May 4, 2009

healthy shopping

Today I had to go get groceries, and I've heard that if you shop the perimeter of the store, you get a lot less of the processed foods, you end up with healthier foods. Today, I DID IT! The majority of the things in my cart were produce. The only thing I had to walk down an isle for was diet pepsi.

I also purchased a few tomato plants, a dill plant, and a catnip plant (for the kitties). I planted them in hanging pots on the little deck for our apartment. I planted the tomatoes hanging upside down, so we'll see how that goes. I've always wanted to plant them upside down, but never tried it before. It supposedly takes a lot of the pressure off of the stem and allows the tomatoes to grow better because they are not pulling the plant over and sitting on the ground.

I have to run to another store in a few minutes here to get some of this bread that Nate really likes for sandwiches. Its called Arnold's sandwich thins (or something like that), and they look like flat hamburger bus, but they're really great, whole wheat with added fiber, and they're only like 1 point for weight watchers.

I also need to get some baguette because I am making beef stew for dinner, and you need a good bread with beef stew.

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